Most of my professional career has been in sales. Specifically door-to-door sales. While I have never enjoyed the process, I have always loved the outcome. The hard work required to learn and adapt on your feet and to tangibly see the results of that effort is immensely fulfilling. Over my career I have brought in over one-million in revenue from just door-to-door accounts and have been a top 10 performing salesman in a company doing tens ( and eventually hundreds) of million in annual revenue
While I have wanted to move to a career I enjoy the process of more and more, the ability to learn, adapt, work hard, and lead highly productive teams is something I will always value from my experience in sales. Door-to-door is one of the hardest jobs a person can have, I truly believe, and the ability to perform highly in that field has given me the skills to excel in any field I put my mind towards through determination, teamwork and the ability to learn and find passion in the mundane.